T-3 – We’re Ready

by Jul 8, 2019Journal

The car and Landry’s telemetry system are now finished, so today, we started on the self-scrutineering process. We are happy to report that the car passed the braking, slalom (the action of weaving between cones), and turn radius tests. The car also passed a majority of the electrical and mechanical. Now, with a little over 72 hours left until the race the plan now is for us to prepare for the oral presentation of the car.

This year’s car took a lot of work to get here, and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our sponsors: Status26 Inc.,Cathy Hill, Charlie Livingston, Ann Steel, Rebecca Price, Gay Oku, Lisa Gill, Amanda Norris, Tina Hill, Jessica Johnson, and Mary O’Grady


  1. Wishing you guys the best. Be successful and safe.
    Western High School Solar Cats.

    • Thanks, Solar cats we really appreciate that! We are looking forward to racing you again in 2020


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